Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Insert catchy title here, because I can't think of one.

Wow, where to start with today...

Let's see. I woke up, cut the grass in the backyard (very boring), and took a water break. This would be the moment I realized oh hey, I have an im on AIM. hmm.

It was from a good friend who's currently in Saudi. Whom I miss dearly... as well as his random texts (that I'm apparently not allowed to hate on, or so he says). This guy also happens to be my dad's coworker, and is at the moment deployed alongside of my cousin. So, seeing his name pop up, obviously I was a happy Courtney. It was a "yayyy Jason" moment.

Then, cut more grass, got a shower, and made icing for my red velvet cake (yumm. my favorite thing to make!). And talked to Jason some more. He got mad at me, and told me I was a jerk because he also happens to be partial to this cake, and he wanted some. Too bad he's at a different part of the earth.

I tried to watch Glee during this time period, but... my computer was being silly, and Jason was iming. So, I only saw the first 5 seconds.

Then, I had to go to work, which is really where all the good stuff (and bad stuff) of today happened. Which is why I had a hard time trying to figure out where to start... so all this stuff above? Yeah, that's just like a foreshadow of how rollercoaster today was. That up there is totally mundane.

If you ever need a pick-me-up for your mood, let me tell you what you need to do.
Step 1. Bake a cake.
Step 2. Make your own icing.
Step 3. Take it to work.

Dude. Seriously. I felt soooo good about myself after everyone kept coming up to me going "Courtney. I tried your cake. Best. Cake. Ever." No lie. I cant even tell you how many people said that! I have yet to be this proud of my cooking/baking abilities.

Wait, no. That's a lie. I forgot about the orgasm-in-your-mouth pancakes from Cedar Crest that Nadine and I made when we were trying to get rid of milk. (A dinner of eggs, chocolate-chip-cinnamon-pancakes, mac & cheese, and choc chip cookie dough ice cream? Epic win) But... I haven't made those in about two years. So, don't know if that counts anymore.

I feel like the cake thing happened a lifetime ago now however. It was gone within about two hours! And I never did figure out who took the last piece... but I did manage to force some down Lou's throat this time around with making it, which I must say I'm very proud of myself for. :)

But... the reason that it really feels like a lifetime ago is because for the past three hours now I have looked like I've seen a ghost. I don't think I've come out of my scared/shocked mode yet.

We had this huge storm roll through tonight, lasting a little under two hours for the most part (there's still a little bit of lightning and thunder going on right now), and I'm really not a fan of storms. And by not a fan, I mean I'm completely terrified. I've come a long way with it though... ask Leah, she'll tell you (Creation? Yeah... that wasn't pretty). But tonight? I've been a goner since the lightening really started to hit.
I was standing by the front doors (since thats where I'm stationed with returns anyways) with MOD Tony, and we watched as three things happened simultaneously:
Lightening hit by the hospital across the street.
The rain and wind picked up to a full force.
The door to our right flew open and wouldn't close.

Obviously, an open door is not the best thing to have during a storm, so Tony went over and turned the power off on it. As he was trying to close the door shut (which is made of glass and metal, mind you), there was a HUGE bang and the next thing we both know he's on the floor next to me (20 feet or so away from the door) and we are both screaming.
Though Tony doesn't even remember the screaming because, well, I'm not sure. ha. But people came rushing when they heard the bang, and they said Tony looked like he got shot the way he was rolling away. But he was totally standing there and then the bang and he flew to the ground and just, well, rolled.

Let's just say, my fear of the storm increased and I was on the verge of tears for the rest of the night, much to both Will and Lou's amusement. Boys ugh. Will kept texting me telling me the different ways lightening can travel to hit me, while Lou kept trying to get me to go to the window to watch the lightening (and he was working the lot too, so he would go "Okay, I'm gonna go play in the storm! Hope I get hit too! woohoo" like an idiot which was making me go "no Lou get your butt in here now! STOP!!!!" yeah...). I'm very put off with those two right now, which is sad. They're two of my favorites.

I'm still slightly in shock of all this, but now I'm sitting on my bed in my Aerie sweats (LOVE), with my cup of chai (DOUBLE LOVE), and I'm a bit better. Until it hits me.

I still haven't watched last night's Glee yet. Crap.

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