Wednesday, January 21, 2009

wow... It's been a good few days, hasn't it. Sorry about that.

It still hasn't hit me fully that I'm home for good, just crept up on me slowly... I think it's helping that my friends are all keeping me sane (thank you for that).
I started taking a calc class last week, so between that and work I haven't had much me/thinking time.

Not to mention, some of my attention has been adverted towards trying to charm a boy... whom just texted me. He's feeling sick (hey, something him and I have in common... oops, maybe we shouldn't have stayed up late last night texting. heh), etc.

So yes, long story short, I'm trying to get my life on some type of a track.. and I'm missing how carefree and wonderful it was at school compared to now.

But... I'm surviving, which is the nice thing... and for anyone who is visiting from, I promise I will get the next chapter up soon!

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