Tuesday, July 7, 2009


oh wow, two nights in a row. Yay me? LOL. So, tonight at work, I had a longgg conversation with a coworker about life, love, and everything else like that.

I know its normal, but it feels weird for me..... I miss dating. I think the tough part of it is that even my DAD is sitting there and if there's a guy that's remotely cute looking, he points and whispers "he's good looking" etc. and people keep asking me why I don't even have a boyfriend... it's like stop reminding me already! It's not like I don't want one! :(

But, I don't want to date someone for the wrong reasons either. So, unlike before, I refuse to date just anyone, which might be why it's been a year and a half since I've had a boyfriend. It stinks, but I guess that's the choice I made with that right?

I dunno. I'm just so like blah, confused, and I guess in a sense lonely? lol. Thoughts?

Love, me <3

Monday, July 6, 2009

time flies when you have "fun"?

I feel like I have so many thoughts sifting through my mind tonight, and I can't seem to get them to focus on one thing alone. I thought about trying to compartmentalize said thoughts via this blog entry, mais I think the rest of my body has decided it is way to tired to let my mind function?

So let's see... it's been what a month since I've updated? hmm, what's happened? Oh, I went to Mississippi! :D yay. It was a great trip, and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. I actually tried to stay with Fab Fattie's challenge, but I didn't get home in time to email points or anything... And you got 50 points for every good deed you did each day... so I wonder how many points a mission trip would be worth??? lol.

Weight watchers is going splendidly. I lost 1.6 last week, for a total of 11 pounds! yayyy. It's so exciting to see the scale go down, as well as my clothes! Mom and I went Old Navy shopping the other night, and I bought mediums in the tops. First time I bought a medium in a designed-for-an-average-woman shirt in forever... usually I'm a medium in mens, not women! So it's a big acheivement for me to say the least.

I've been watching these three kids this summer as well... or, as I like to call them, my three terrors. They're sweet and adorable until you get to know them, especially the oldest Johnny (11). He wears a patch for his ADD, and if he doesn't have it on... watch out cuz you're screwed. omg. And then the other two are girls... I haven't figured out which yet, but one of the two is a chronic liar. I'm thinking it's the youngest, Lindsay (6), because she cries and does anything to get her way... but then again, Sarah (10) seems like she'd be able to get away with it better than Lindsay would. I thought I didn't want kids before I met them... yeah, now I'm pretty certain I never want kids (sorry mom and dad, you're stuck with if Patrick has kids).

Speaking of the little bro, he's staying at his girlfriends house... and has stirred up quite a bit of drama in the family with it. As well as with his visiting his mom multiple times, and not wanting to see his dad at all. I keep expecting him to call me and be like "Court, help. Jess is preg." but he hasn't... yet. He called me once or twice during the past few weeks that he's been home, but not really to say anything at all... I think he really only called because our grandmothers knew him and I weren't talking and it made them upset (I came to that conclusion because he got my number from one of the mommoms).

But yeah, life's crazy... working at Macys is like a workout. Especially with putting away clothing! I've been in swim since I've come home from MS, and I am constantly moving every moment I'm clocked in! I even managed to pull something in my shoulder while at work from carrying too much at once... but the part that annoys me the most is watching people BUY the suits. There are just some bathing suits that are NOT meant for your body, ladies! The worst thing someone could do is shove their body into a bathing suit too small for them...... and then they think it's a perfect fit, or that it looks bad because it's too big. Some of the people, I look at the purchase and just want to laugh and say "where is the rest of the suit?!" because it would hardly cover one of thier thighs! It's terrible.

Ok.... I think I've calmed my brain down enough to be able to sleep for tonight (and I didn't have to talk about boys, etc!!!)... So, if I remember, I'll be back in the next few days or so!

Love, me <3