Friday, May 29, 2009

Fabfattie's Day 1!

Helloooo world!
I am in SUCH a good mood today! You know why???? IT'S SUMMER! :D no more studying until fall semester starts! yay!!!
I got two of my grades back so far: D+ and C-..... ewww. But I really wasn't ready for UD when I started there, and my body collapsed a lot, so the grades aren't a surprise to me. Next semester I'll be ok.

BUT that's not what today's blog is about!
Today started Fabfattie's new challenge! woohoo! I woke up, had a GREAT breakfast, went to the gym for an hour (I feel excellent!), drank 2 bottles of water (so far), had a strawberry protein shake, and went to my WW meeting. I only lost .2 when I weighed in, BUT that's still a loss, so I'm happy!!!!!
(can you tell how much more carefree I am now that finals are over??? lol).

I'm getting ready to have an EXCELLENT lunch... though I'm not sure what it'll be yet! But I'll think of something.
I might take the puppy out for a walk first though??? hmm....

But yeah, I just thought I'd share my day real quickly! :) I know it's not a long post, but I'm STARVED, so I'm gonna go eat and then track my points etc... and then go to the sprint store with the daddy so I can try to get a phone that actually works!
Followed by work. :( ugh but it's money.

Talk to you guys laterr!!!!!
Love, me <3

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Insanity is slowly slipping away...

Hey look, it's me! O.O wow... I'm getting there lol.

OK, so I'm working through stuff for my last final (which is TODAY) (and chemistry... *whimper*), and I think I've totally passed my capacity to take things in. 4 finals, 4 days in a row... I'm so exhausted, I can barely stand it... :(

BUT! It's the LAST FINALL!!!!! Which means... at like 6 tonight, I will be on SUMMER BREAK! And that right there my friends is the best thing ever. :) Because summer means that me, and Kelli, start to run a lot. Like 4 days a week... it's pretty much a C25K thing we do, so maybe this year I'll be able to do a 5K. Last year, when we started the running program, I couldn't run. And that's not an understatement... The interval was 2 minutes running, and I could barely do 1 minute. It was a disaster.
If you ask Kelli, I've come a looooooong way since then.

But anyways... (yes, this IS me being a procrastinator. But you try doing CSBs [aka Chem Skill Builders] when your brain has completely shut itself off. It's impossible) I just wanted to say that FABFATTIE'S CHALLENGE IS GOING TO BE STARTING SOON! AND YOU SHOULD JOIN ME!!!!!!! Because it's going to be fun, and exciting, and earning points is always the best! Not to mention, it's a great excuse to be healthy and active!!!! :)

So yes... join me! YAY! :)

Ok... I'm going to go back to my studying/homework now.

OH and for those who read any of my fanfic that might be looking..... I have half of chapter 8 for Traveling Soldier written, BUT I refused to write anymore until I was done with finals.... which means... I SHOULD FINISH WRITING IT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
And I'll try to get something for my other two stories worked through as well... I know the people who read those stories probably hate me right about now. Oops. :(

Leave me messages loves! I'm looking forward to lots of encouragement over the next 2 weeks while I work through this challenge (my first during WW!).

Love, me <3

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So... I really SHOULD be studying right now, BUT... I am so ADD it's not even funny. :( Oh well, criminal justice will just have to wait for a little while longer (I do have all of the notes sitting right in front of me at least!).
Today, I am updating for one single reason... I am presenting my readers (whom I am aware are just a few of you) with the newest challenge by those wonderful ladies at Fabfatties! Yeah!!! I am joining a fellow dieter on twitter, foodiemcbody, in their challenge for the next two weeks... and you should too! :)

Here's the details:

*Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily- 5 points
*Drink 8 glasses of water a day- 8 points
*Exercise- 1 point per minute
*Do a random good deed- 5 points
*Stop drinking soda pop for a day- 1 point
*Actually read someone else’s blog post and leave a comment- 1 point
* Answer our Fab Fatties random bonus questions about us- 5 points
-Bonus questions will be posted daily on our blog.
* Recommend 2 fabulous friends from twitter and tell us why we should follow them- 2 points
* Eat a healthy breakfast-1 point
* Lose weight- 1 point per pound
* Keep a food journal for the day- 5 points per day
* Take a walk during you lunch break- 5 points
* Have a friend join this challenge- 25 points per friend
-make sure your friend tells us you recruited them!

To join, email Shannon and Angie and tell them that I (kortni24) sent you.
What to include in the email: your name, twitter name if applicable, your blog or website on or before 12:00 a.m. MST Thursday May 28th 2009.
Wanna know more info??? Click here to check out the Fabfatties (and they are quite Fab!) website!

So, before I head back to my notes and notecards... with my highlighter!... I thought I'd also admit that the hardest part is going to be giving up the soda, or (even worse) my Monster!!! I have a can of the Blue Monster (yay lo-carb!) sitting right next to me, OPEN, so that I can restore my energy and try to not pass out with these notes! ACK! urggggg. :(

Also, as for my WW journey... I've lost a total of 7.8, 2.4 of them last week! Yeah!!! I have a feeling this week's already messed up (and it's only Tuesday) because I haven't done much of anything except cram for all 4 of my exams (silly things like finals and classes and universities, right?)... but I am hoping to get more active and less Monster-dependent in the next couple of days.
I leave for Mississippi next Saturday (the 6th), right during fabfatties challenge, BUT I know that I'll be able to do it! :)

Alright, no more putting of the studying... let me know if you're joining us in the challenge.
Love, me. <3

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Get By with a Little Help From my Friends

The Beatles title of the blog has absolutely nothing to do with the following post... I just happen to have that particular song in my head (even though it is true to life).
Haven't wrote much in about a week or so.. but I'm sitting in environmental bio right now, and we're talking about different types of disturbances (ie. tornadoes and other weather, as well as human made). I still haven't decided what I thought about this class yet... and there's only two weeks left. There are definitely some things in the class that are talked about that I do not agree with, and I think that's been taking a toll on my test grades (oops)
But.. we were also talking about this guy right here (<--). He's the Florida Panther, and is apparently endangered (there's like only 70 or so left). But they're trying to make little corridors of habitat for the panther to live in because they kinda killed his natural habitat.

But anyways... last night, I attempted to watch the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.. it was quite sad, and really long. By the time 1am rolled around, I turned it off because I was so tired I couldn't focus on Brad Pitt aging downwards anymore. (That was Brad Pitt, right? I really have no idea who's who in Hollywood to be honest) I did, however, enjoy it. At least the part that I got to see. It was interesting to see him change age, etc. The things that Hollywood can do never ceases to amaze me.

Random thing my teacher just said: What would happen if UD decided today to just stop mowing the lawn?
It was an interesting question that is very easy to answer (yay for succession), but I still would love to see UD randomly stop mowing the grass. Imangine what the alumni would say.

So, this morning, I woke up really late, almost not waking up at all (I put all the blame onto Benjamin Button for keeping me awake all night haha). So, I decided to throw some water into the water heater to have some coffee to-go. And now I've got a deliciuos cafe mocha with me in class. The only downside: pouring the water into my new mug, I spilled a bit of very hot water onto my hand and burnt it. OOPS. Talk about somewhat painful.
S0, that was a bad start.. but it's getting better. I am already out of class now, and am sitting in Trabant with Rebecca(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy Rebecca???) and our coffee (as well as my Blueberry muffin!!)... and on our way over here, we got free Monsters! word. I love Monster... we just need to make sure Garrett doesn't go anywhere near them.
And then tonight, my mom, my friend Katie, and I are going to the mall for facials and dinner. It's rare when I'm excited for something so ooberly girly, but oh well.

On Friday night, Rebecca and I are going to a semi-formal with a few of our friends (a bunch of nerds? Attempting to dance? HAHAHAHAHA this should be an excellent night) so we're both really excited about that. And Kelllllllllliiiiiiii is doing my hair! (yay best friend!) I love getting dressed up in pretty dresses for pretty nights. It's always very exciting.
Ok, I'm going to go enjoy my muffin now. And possibly do some bio reading, though knowing me that one will not be happening..... well, maybe it will since this chapter is all about genetic variations.

Love, me. <3