Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So, it's almost midnight.. I'm exhausted because it's been a long day, but I really don't get a chance to sleep tonight. I've got my second calc exam tomorrow, and I've really got to finish these CSBs by then.
Luckily, it's a lot less than there were for the last exam, and I had a few done before but still. It's gonna be a crappy day tomorrow trying to get these done.... oops.
So I'm kinda lounging on my bed, laptop with me, working on these stupid skill builders, and for some reason I've got Nightline on.... I blame me just being too lazy to get up and turn off the tv. I was watching the news for the past few hours, trying to see if we were on any of the channels for the tea party.
Alas, we were not... but everyone around us were. So that was cool I guess. Mom was mad "Where's the rest of the Delaware footage?!" haha, gotta love Mom.
She spoke today at the rally, and later asked me how I thought she did... I was honest, she had me to tears at one point because I kinda got overwhelmed by how good she was. It was awesome. And they didn't try to reign her in due to time because she was just on a good flow. It was great.
Side note: They're talking about some drug war on tv now... I'm obviously not paying attention.

Took a CrJu exam today, hope I did better than last time (I got a 77). I sat next to Batman today... which was kinda cool, in a sense. We were both somewhat freaking out about it before the fact. And, you know, sitting in the last row is really nerve-wrecking... you have to sit and wait for the TA to pass out tests to ALLL the rows in front of you. And the rooms in Kirkbride aren't that tiny.

Ok, I'm just being lazy right now and trying to delay my chemistry skill building I need to do... though it's not really building any skills but oh well. haha.
I'm hoping to write again soon, I promise! (and I mean Traveling Soldier wise, not blog wise.... although I do need to work on this blogging thing more because Kelli and I are just terrible!)

Niggggggghts hope everyone has an awesome Thursday.
OH ps. I have an interview at Friendly's tomorrow after Hist o Rock. Exciting!

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