Thursday, April 30, 2009

Currently, I am sitting on my bed, surrounded by endless chemistry books, attempting to do a lab for tomorrow. It's going very slowly... but it's at least going, right? I have an at-home lab due, as well as the starting stuff for my titration lab that we are actually doing tomorrow.
I absolutely hate titrations. We did them legit every week the second semester of my freshman year at CCC. I like organic lab much more (as weird as that is lol).
But that's just the nerd in me I guess.

So in "exciting" news... not only has H1N1 hit UD campus, it apparently has also hit Delaware Tech. Both of my schools. My mom and I are both certain that we both have it at the moment, but frankly, neither of us care. If you look at what WHO is putting out about it, the flu that comes around every winter (you know, the one you get that flu shot for) is probably about 1000 times worse than this particular strain of influenza is.
ha, take that health services!

*ahem* anyways... I figured I hadn't updated in a while, so I would take a break from drawing lewis structures and finding MSDS info about chemicals for my labs. Oh chemistry, how I hate you.

How is everyone else doing these days? Good? :)

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