Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Experimental Gain

I'm experimenting. And I don't mean the kind that I'm used to with Bunsen burners, nasty smelling carbon chemicals (though some of those did smell okay... like fruits), or microbes. I wish it was that kind, but we can't always get what we want right?

No, this experiment is with me personally. I want to see how long I can go without getting on Facebook. In my Health/PE class (how to teach it..), we have been talking about drugs and addictions... and my teacher brought up cell phones and internet as parts of the addictions. So, that got me to thinking.

I'm addicted to using Facebook, I will be the first to admit it about myself. I update my status from my phone, and love hearing from people about things that I post... either in person or via text. I was on Facebook during that terrible date the other night for crying out loud!

So, now I'm cutting myself off cold turkey. It just must be done. Prior to writing this, I deactivated my texts so that way I won't get any of my alerts when someone posts on my wall, or comments my status, or when a few of my friends update theirs. Nor can I update mine. I also removed it as my home page on Google Chrome (my wonderful internet source yay) and replaced it with this very blog.... thus also increasing my determination to write more.

Hey, a girl needs some sort of creative outlet, doesn't she?

Plus, a few of my friends now know of this blog... and I made sure to put it on my websites (as well as removed any posts that I really rather not have people read) so that way it can be found if wanted.

But, in other news, on the work front. I got a pair of free movie tickets for a contest. And got most improved for my department. And cake. I had a really good night tonight, despite my feet hurting and one of them vibrating like crazy. How does a foot vibrate? Really?
And I'm off for the next two days from there... to have classes instead. Then it's a 40 hour week. :) I'm really happy about that fact, no lie. Between tuition, credit card bills, paying a bit on my loan, and rent, well, I need money. If I could figure out a way to get more money at the Depot, I would jump at the first chance to do it.

Hmm... my ipod just made a Facebook noise. I should probably deactivate that during my hiatus of unknown length. Just a thought.

There we go. My ipod has been logged off, my texts deactivated, and my hiatus status put up. Now to get back to my homework.

It's going to be really quite for a while...

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