Friday, September 24, 2010

Just a bunch of rambles really.

So Glee? Yeah, made my life really really happy. Like REALLY really happy. I was grinning and laughing and just, well, happy. It was a nice feeling.

So I'm probably posting this at the latest time I have in a while, but this is because I just got home. Well, I got home like a half hour ago, but I had to get a shower when I got here... I was covered in paint. Due to making signs for work for a fire safety thing we're doing. But that's not why I just got home (since I got off of work 3 hours ago). We went to karaoke. :) We = me, Dan, Eric, and Rachel. And this guy who Rachel was trying to scare off from being interested in her. I think she picked the right people to bring around (especially Eric).

Which means, I'm posting this with a slight influence of alcoholic beverages. And I'm feeling really philosophical (no, really. Eric just called me Confusious via text). I was just telling him how everything happens for a reason, which is making me think about the whole me + Allentown + school-in-general thing that had happened. Plus how much I grew up up there, and how much I've grown up since coming home. I feel like I'm becoming an adult, which is scary and I really wish it would, you know, stop.

But, if I never came home from Allentown, I would have never run into Katie Tifer at a Weight Watchers meeting, which means I wouldn't have met Dan and Eric (whom are two guys I cannot live without at all now). I also would have never worked at the Depot, which means I wouldn't have Tina in my life either (and I really would not be okay with this fact). Yeah, I would be with Jenn, Leah, Grace, Kristin, and everyone else up there on a daily basis, but I would be missing a whole other part of my life that I feel like I really need for the growing up I'm doing right now. It's like an I-can't-return-to-Allentown-for-good-until-I'm-done-growing-here type of thing, and I feel like, looking back on the past two years (more or less the length of this blogs existence actually), everything has been a placed stone in my life.

Wow, I really am going philosophical. Weird.

Ok, so change of pace. Kinda. Because I've been writing on here on-and-off for roughly two years (I am too lazy to go back to the first post for the date), and I feel like anyone who has stumbled across this, even if you know me personally, might need to be introduced to who I really am... at least to kinda understand a little more of what I write. So here goes it.

I'm Courtney. I'm, as of this exact date (Sept. 24), 5 months away from being 22. I am now an elementary education major (who has switched from a biology major... and had started as a genetic engineering major) and love every second of it. I am a completely silly person who loves to laugh and tries to make light of every minute of life. I'm also very self-conscious and have very little self esteem. I value friendship higher than breathing and water. I secretly (or not-so anymore) love to bake, and really want to learn how to make more things. I am overly obsessed with Harry Potter, and I also am a big Twilight fan... and a Jonas Brothers fan. (Joe Jonas and I will marry if I get my way). I have always loved bright colors, like neon highlighters, but I'm finding that I'm starting to think cool blues and pinks to be really pretty. I collect ribbons, and my shopping weakness is Aerie underwear... well, actually, it's anything Aerie. I sleep with a teddy bear, and a lime green body pillow. I'm going to be M.O.H. in my bestest's wedding next summer (bestest = Sharon. We've been friends since third grade. Think Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World, and you have us), and I'm really excited about it. I can't go a day without texting friends, especially ones that are in Allentown. I have now been off of facebook for 4 full days (excluding when I was told to put a PR for Matilda's ladies night Tuesday night as my status. And since that was told to me word-for-word as to what I should write, I don't count it), and it's a really weird feeling. I am in love with Glee because it makes me miss high school. I went to an arts school, where it was okay to love music. I miss it so. Boys intimidate me, and I've had one serious relationship since I was 18... we dated for right under 3 months. I love heights and roller coasters. And Disney World, which is my dream place to get married... but I'm going to settle for a rose garden in Allentown instead. Or the beach. I believe in fairy tales, because they make me dream and wish and are full of happy endings. I braid my hair at night so that it will be curly, and not knotty, in the mornings. I also dye it (well, technically my mom does it for me... but you know what I mean). I've had my nose pierced 4 times, and I have 7 other piercings (all in my ears). And one tattoo (so far). I'm addicted to caffeine, and I want to give it up. I love the word anthropomorphic.

Mmmkay, so that was really long and silly and I don't know the reason behind it. But... eh oh well.

It's almost 2 am, and since I have become something of an insomniac as of late, I'm going to read some fanfiction (so that Jenn can have a new story when Sunday comes around if I decide I like it enough) until I manage to pass out. Yup, sounds about right.

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