Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Siriusly, Tuesday? Siriusly?

"Write a report on 'How do I get in shape?' Write as if you are a person looking to get in shape and what are the basic principles that you need to go by."

That was my assignment of the week... thanks for that Paul (my Health/PE class teacher). Really, the wording of that just bothers me, but it's okay Paul, I know you're a high school gym teacher, so I will let you slide on it this time around. But only because you're letting us play classroom games like 7 Up, Red Light Green Light, Red Rover, and Simon Says during class tonight. Am I excited? ummmm YES, even though I'm missing Glee for this.

Do you want to know what not to do for the above assignment? I'll tell you... Do NOT sleep through your wonderful Zumba class (that you absolutely love and have no clue how you lived without it) and then proceed to eat the leftover Red Velvet Cake batter you have sitting in front of you. These two things aren't helpful in the practice of getting in shape.

But... that batter sure was delicious. And my bed was too comfy to get out of this morning. So... I guess Zumba will have to wait until Thursday. :)

Well, it's Tuesday. Another day into this whole no-Facebook thing that I was silly enough to start. The reason I find it silly at the moment is because, well... It's TUESDAY. I have so many things I would update my status about that people would have pushed 'like' on!!! I mean... I baked my red velvet cake (that always gets 'like'd), I'm playing classroom games, I'm going to Ladies Night... and... IT'S THE FIRST NIGHT OF GLEE.

Granted, I'm missing Glee tonight because of class AND Ladies Night combined. But, still. That doesn't erase the fact that Glee starts back up tonight. And that I'll be watching it first thing tomorrow morning (while debating on going to kickboxing or not... I'm terrible at this shape/exercise thing!), and finding really good quotes to update a status with. BUT IT WILL HAVE TO WAIT. Until Sunday. Which Tina has already decided to tell me is 5 full days away (she's been counting since the second I went on hiatus I think).

But, it's okay, because the next 5 days will go quickly... I have 40 hours at the Depot to strive through until it's time to get back onto my beloved Book de Face and start my creeping of all my friends once more.

On a completely different tangent/topic... my foot is STILL vibrating. But it's not hurting as much as it has been the past two days. Like, I can put pressure on it today. I don't get this stupid foot thing. But yes, I am aware I should go to the hospital for it since, well, ya know, that bump has been there since I was dating Steve. But it would only ever hurt for a few minutes... nothing like the past 2 days has ever happened to it (I mean, whose foot VIBRATES?). I bought a new thing of moleskin cushioning for it, because I think that could be the problem... I got this other type (after getting used to the type I just bought like 20 minutes ago) that was really thin and not at all cushiony. It made me feel everything. So I went and got the thicker, cushiony one. And now my little plantar bump feels all comfy and snug, like it's snuggled up in a fleece hoodie.

Except they don't make fleece hoodies for bumps. Especially not bumps in the middle of your foot arch.

But that's what it feels like. I would know. I'm sitting at school snuggled up in MY wonderful Aerie fleece hoodie right now. About to watch The Back-Up Plan before this fun classroom games thing starts at 5:30.

Oh Tuesdays, how am I to get through you without Facebook?

On the bright side... new white sunglasses for the win. (the highlight of my Tuesday thus far!)

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